CalFire US Forest Service CU Davis
ecoSmart Landscapes
Carbon and Energy (Beta)
Welcome to the ecoSmart Landscapes Portal ("Portal"). ecoSmart Landscapes is a suite of tools for the quantitative evaluation of the environmental impact of landscaped outdoor spaces. While significant advances have been made in measuring the environmental impacts of buildings, there are no practical, easy-to-use tools that encompass system-level interactions between buildings and surrounding landscapes.

The ecoSmart Landscapes Portal is intended to fill this gap. It will help interested parties learn about opportunities to conserve landscape water use, reduce stormwater runoff, save energy, store carbon and reduce fire risk to their property based on existing and planned landscape design.

A project of such scope must naturally evolve. ecoSmart Landscapes is pleased to announce the beta release of two software platforms focused on the carbon and energy impacts of trees. Both applications are based on 20 years of research on tree growth dynamics and urban forestry by scientists at the USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station and University of California Davis.  

There are two portals to ecoSmart, public and enterprise.
  1. The public portal (this one) is for single family residential property owners. There is no cost to access this portal. To start using this portal, click the "Register" link to create your profile and then sign in.
    Save your userid and password so you can revisit this site periodically. We will contact you occasionally with news and information about new features added to this portal. You can sign in again to evaluate other environmental impacts of your landscape (water, fire).
  2. The enterprise portal is intended for use by organizations like cities, water districts, campuses, landscape architects, NGOs, and utilities to facilitate planning and management of urban forestry and landscape projects. The current enterprise portal implements the requirements of the California Air Resource Board’s (CARB) Compliance Offset Protocol for Urban Forest Projects. For more information, visit:

    The enterprise portal may be customized for individual projects or any urban forestry program.

This Portal is a collaborative effort between CAL FIRE, USDA Forest Service, UC Davis, and EcoLayers. Please register to learn more about the research and analytics driving the carbon and energy calculations.

Registration and use of this ecoSmart Landscapes Portal is free for the public.

For more information, please contact:
EcoLayers, Inc.
Phone : +1858 780 9415


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